Appeal Procedure


Upon the conclusion of either the Informal Meeting Resolution or the Formal Meeting Resolution, the sanctioned Respondent may appeal the decision established by the Student Conduct Officer or the Conduct Hearing Panel. The appeal process is as follows:

a. Appeals are to be submitted in writing to the Vice President of Student Affairs within five (5) Business Days of the decision. The Vice President of Student Affairs will accept the appeal by completing the Appeals Form within the allotted period indicated in the Respondent's decision letter. Please note if the decision letter states that the Respondent may not be permitted to re-enroll, resume courses, and/or take courses from specified instructors in the original program of study in which the violation took place, this appeal should be submitted to the Vice President of Academic Affairs.


Appeals requests are limited to the following grounds:
1. New evidence that was not available during the investigation, Administration Meeting, and/or the Student Conduct Panel Hearing Meeting

2. The original investigation, Administrative Meeting, and/or the Student Conduct Panel Hearing were not conducted fairly, which resulted in the lack of due process.

A decision concerning said appeal shall be determined no less than five (5) Business Days and no more than fifteen (15) Business Days from the date the student requests the appeal. All decisions established by the Vice President of Student Affairs and/or Vice President of Academic Affairs are final.

d. The Vice President of Student Affairs may decide on one of the following as a result of the appeal request:
1. Uphold the decision of the hearing panel or the Student Conduct Officer. The case will not be reheard or modified, and the original decision and sanctions stand.
2. Uphold but modify. In this instance, the Vice President of Student Affairs may elect to uphold the decision established by the hearing panel but modify the sanctions imposed.
3. Appeal granted. The Vice President may determine that insufficient due process was given to the individual. Therefore
, the initial decision is vacated, and the violation is returned to a hearing panel for a new hearing.