Wireless Access Guidelines

Chattahoochee Technical College provides Wi-Fi access to students, guest and employees.


Wireless LAN client devices capable of wireless communications, such as personal “notebook” computers, phones, and mobile devices, may be brought on campus only by students currently enrolled at Chattahoochee Technical College and designated College guest.  There are wireless networks for Staff and Students.

Under no circumstances may a wireless access point, wireless switch, or any wireless server device be brought on the premises of any Chattahoochee campus, and no wireless networks, including “ad hoc” or point-to-point networks may be created on campus; this does not apply to short-range Personal Area Network (PAN) devices using Bluetooth.

Access to internal Chattahoochee systems and resources (except for select services allowed by Chattahoochee Tech's access control lists, such as DNS and DHCP) from the student wireless network is strictly prohibited.  Any unauthorized attempt to access, probe, or “hack” such systems will result in disciplinary action.  The wireless network only provides connectivity to the public Internet, which is filtered in accordance with Chattahoochee Tech and Technical College System of Georgia policies. Refer to the Internet Use Guideline for acceptable use guidelines.

Under no circumstances may a student, guest, or person other than a TAS member connect or “patch in” a personal, non-Chatt Tech computer or device to the hard-wired campus network through any data port, switch, etc.

Disclaimer and Availability:

Chattahoochee Tech cannot be held responsible or liable for loss or damage to students’ personal equipment. The Student and Guest wireless network is an unsecured, open network; Chattahoochee Tech cannot be held responsible or liable for the security or breach of any transmission that a student chooses to transmit or receive over the Chattahoochee Tech wireless network.

It is intended that Chattahoochee Tech wireless network be operational 24/7.  However, Chattahoochee Tech reserves the right to bring down the wireless network for occasional maintenance and makes no specific guarantee of uptime.

Connection Procedures and Technical Support:

The wireless network is designed to provide equipment with an IP address via DHCP automatically; the student is responsible for configuring his/her equipment for DHCP client use.  The network will also provide DNS service and allow HTTP/HTTPS for Internet connectivity; no other protocols are supported.

When a client is within range of Chattahoochee Tech's wireless network, a connection named “STAFF” or “STUDENT” should be available; simply double-click that network to connect.  Both networks will require a username and password to access.  All currently enrolled students are assigned a personal username/password for the student network; staff must contact Technical Support to join the STAFF network.

If you experience difficulty connecting to the wireless network, please check your configuration and equipment for proper function.  If you believe that the wireless network in your area is not functioning properly, please report the problem and access area to HelpDesk@Students.ChattahoocheeTech.edu , or your instructor or program area staff, who will report the issue to TAS.  TAS cannot provide assistance or configuration support for personal student equipment.  Its responsibility extends to the access points and wireless network in the area are operational.


Violations of these policies incur the same types of disciplinary measures as violations of other Chattahoochee Tech policies or state or federal laws, including criminal prosecution.

Chattahoochee Tech reserves the right to amend this guideline at its discretion. In case of amendments, users will be informed appropriately.