Computer Use Guidelines

Chattahoochee Technical College provides computer and peripheral systems to facilitate the support of research and education for their students and employees


In making for the use of its computers, Chatt Tech considers its own stated educational mission, goals, and objectives. Electronic information research skills are now fundamental to preparation of citizens and future employees. Students and employees utilizing Chatt Tech provided computers are responsible for good behavior on-line just as they are in a classroom or other areas of the college. Use outside these stated goals will constitute a violation of Chatt Tech and Technical College System of Georgia (TCSG) policies, unless prior authorization is granted.

The following uses of Chatt Tech provided computers (in accordance with TCSG Policy II. C. 4.) networks and Internet access are not permitted:

  • To create, access, store, or transmit sexually explicit, obscene, or pornographic material;
  • To create, access, store, or transmit material that could be considered discriminatory, offensive, threatening, harassing, intimidating, or attempts to libel or otherwise defame any person.
  • To violate any local, state or federal statute;
  • To vandalize, damage, or disable the property of another individual or organization;
  • To access another individual's password, materials, information, or files without permission;
  • To violate copyright or otherwise use the intellectual property of another individual or organization in violation of the law, including software piracy;
  • To conduct private or personal for-profit activities. This includes use for private purposes such as business transactions, private advertising of products or services, and any activity meant to foster personal gain;
  • To knowingly endanger the security of any Chatt Tech computer or network;
  • To willfully interfere with another's authorized computer usage;
  • To connect any computer or adhoc device to any Chatt Tech network unless it meets technical and security standards set by the Department;
  • To create, install, or knowingly distribute a computer virus, "Trojan horse," or other surreptitiously destructive program on any Chatt Tech computer or network facility, regardless of whether any demonstrable harm results;
  • To modify or reconfigure the software or hardware of any Chatt Tech computer or network without proper authorization;
  • To conduct unauthorized non-college activities, including non-profit activities;
  • To conduct any activity or solicitation for political or religious causes;
  • To perform any activity that could cause the loss, corruption of, prevention of rightful access to, or unauthorized distribution of Chatt Tech data and information; and
  • To create, access, or participate in online gambling. Occasional access to information or websites of the Georgia Lottery Corporation shall not constitute nor be considered inappropriate use;

Georgia State Law:

Using a computer without permission is theft of services and is illegal under state and federal laws. Federal law prohibits misuse of computer resources. In addition, the following specific computer crimes are prohibited by state law in Georgia (Code 16-9-90):

  1. Computer theft (including theft of computer services, intellectual property such as copyrighted material, and any other property);
  2. Computer trespass (unauthorized use of computers to delete or alter data or interfere with others' usage);
  3. Computer invasion of privacy (unauthorized access to financial or personal data or the like);
  4. Computer forgery (forgery as defined by other laws, but committed on a computer rather than on paper);
  5. Computer password disclosure (unauthorized disclosure of a password resulting in damages exceeding $500 - in practice, this includes any disclosure that requires a system security audit afterward); and
  6. Misleading transmittal of names or trademarks (falsely identifying yourself, or falsely claiming to speak for a person or organization by using their name, trademark, logo, or seal).

Disclaimer and Availability:

Use of classroom computers is only available during scheduled classroom periods, and must be monitored by the instructor or designated staff member.  Use outside of these times is prohibited.

Access to computers, computer labs, and Success Centers, are provided for students of Chatt Tech.  Public access to computers is only provided in Chatt Tech Libraries, and access is at the discretion of the librarians.  All information created, stored or transmitted by Chatt Tech computers or networks is subject to monitoring for compliance with applicable laws and policies.

Users should not expect files stored on Chatt Tech based computers to be private. Electronic messages and files stored on Chatt Tech based computers shall be treated like other premises that are temporarily assigned for individual use. Administrators may review files and messages in an effort to maintain system integrity and in an effort to insure that users are acting responsibly. Moreover, Chatt Tech officials shall cooperate with law enforcement officials who are properly authorized to search Chatt Tech computers and computer systems.

Occasional personal use of Internet connectivity and e-mail that do not involve any inappropriate use as described above may occur, if permitted by Chatt Tech. Any such use should be brief, infrequent, and shall not interfere with User’s performance, duties, coursework and/or responsibilities.

Users of Chatt Tech computers and computer systems are subject to the policies on the development of Intellectual Property. Any violation of this Guideline and rules may result in disciplinary action against the employee or student. When and where applicable, law enforcement agencies may be involved.

  • Chatt Tech makes no warranties of any kind, either expressed or implied, for the computers, computer systems and Internet access it provides.
  • Chatt Tech shall not be responsible for any damages users suffer, including but not limited to loss of data resulting from delays or interruptions in service.
  • Chatt Tech shall not be responsible for the accuracy, nature or quality of information gathered through removable storage media, hard drives or servers; nor for the accuracy, nature or quality of information gathered through the provided Internet access.
  • Chatt Tech shall not be responsible for personal property used to access its computers or networks or for Technical College-provided Internet access.
  • Chatt Tech shall not be responsible for unauthorized financial obligations resulting from Technical College-provided access to the Internet.

The foregoing standards are equally applicable to students and employees of Chatt Tech.

Passwords and Complexity – Faculty and Staff:

All passwords must be kept as secure as possible. Users must not compromise the privacy of their password by giving it to others or exposing it to public view. Passwords could be used to access other resources on Campus such as Banner, and Windows Accounts.

The use of passwords to gain access to the computer system or to secure specific files does not provide users with an expectation of privacy in the respective system or document.

The complexity and age requirements of passwords are as follows: 

  • Passwords maximum age:  90 days (you must change your password every 90 days.)
  • System remembers last 24 passwords. ( Do not use a previously used password)
  • Does not contain the user's account name or parts of the user's full name.
  • Be at least eight characters in length.
  • Contain characters from three of the following four categories:
    • English uppercase characters (A through Z)
    • English lowercase characters (a through z)
    • Base 10 digits (0 through 9)
    • Non-alphabetic characters (for example, !, $, #, %)


Passwords and Complexity – Students:

All passwords must be kept as secure as possible. Users must not compromise the privacy of their password by giving it to others or exposing it to public view. Passwords could be used to access other resources on Campus such as Banner, and Windows Accounts.

The use of passwords to gain access to the computer system or to secure specific files does not provide users with an expectation of privacy in the respective system or document.

The complexity and age requirements of passwords are as follows: 

  • Passwords maximum age:  365 days (due to our Semester system, and student tenure, this is the maximum limit)
  • System remembers last 24 passwords. ( Do not use a previously used password)
  • Does not contain the user's account name or parts of the user's full name.
  • Be at least eight characters in length.
  • Contain characters from three of the following four categories:
    • English uppercase characters (A through Z)
    • English lowercase characters (a through z)
    • Base 10 digits (0 through 9)
    • Non-alphabetic characters (for example, !, $, #, %)


Violations of these policies incur the same types of disciplinary measures as violations of other Chatt Tech policies or state or federal laws, including criminal prosecution.

Chatt Tech reserves the right to amend this guideline at its discretion. In case of amendments, users will be informed appropriately.