Tobacco-Free, Vape-Free, Smoke-Free Campus Policy

Chattahoochee Technical College is committed to providing a healthy, comfortable, and productive learning environment for the students, faculty, and staff of this campus. 

The 2006 U.S. Surgeon General’s Report, The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke has concluded that…
(1) secondhand smoke exposure causes disease and premature death in children and adults who do not smoke; 

(2) children exposed to secondhand smoke are at an increased risk for sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), acute respiratory symptoms and slows lung growth in their children; 

(3) exposure of adults to secondhand smoke has immediate adverse effects on the cardiovascular system and causes coronary heart disease and lung cancer; 

(4) there is no risk-free level of exposure to secondhand smoke; 

(5) establishing smoke free workplaces is the only effective way to ensure that secondhand smoke exposure does not occur in the workplace, because ventilation and other air cleaning technologies cannot completely control for exposure of non-tobacco users to secondhand smoke; and 

(6) evidence from peer-reviewed studies that smoke free policies and laws do not have an adverse economic impact on the hospitality industry. (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke: A Report of the Surgeon General. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Office on Smoking and Health, 2006.)

In addition, the 2009 Institute of Medicine Report: Secondhand Smoke Exposure and Cardiovascular Effects: Making Sense of the Evidence states that study results consistently indicate that exposure to secondhand smoke increases the risk of coronary heart disease by 25 to 30 percent.  Electronic smoking devices, commonly referred to as electronic cigarettes, or “e-cigarettes,” closely resemble and purposefully mimic the act of smoking by having users inhale vaporized liquid that typically contains nicotine, heated through an electronic ignition system. ESD emissions are made up of a high concentration of ultrafine particles, and the particle concentration is higher than in conventional tobacco cigarette smoke. (Fuoco, F.C.; Buonanno, G.; Stabile, L.; Vigo, P., “Influential parameters on particle concentration and size distribution in the mainstream of e-cigarettes,” Environmental Pollution 184: 523-529, January 2014.) The January 2018 National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine publication states that there is conclusive evidence that in addition to nicotine, most ESDs contain and emit numerous potentially toxic substances and increase airborne concentrations of particulate matter and nicotine in indoor environments.

Lastly, the Georgia Smoke free Air Act of 2005 states that most public places are to be smoke free. The act also states, under “290-5-61-.09 Enforcement 

(7) The enactment of any other local law, rules and regulations of state or local agencies, 
and local ordinances prohibiting smoking that are more restrictive than the Act are 

(8) The Act shall not be construed to permit smoking where it is otherwise restricted by 
other applicable laws. 

Authority O.C.G.A. Secs. 16-12-2, 31-2-4, 31-5-9, 31-12A-10, 31-12A-11, 31-12A-12, 31- 

In light of these findings, Chattahoochee Technical College shall be entirely tobacco-free effective January 1, 2022. This policy applies to students, staff, faculty, visitors and vendors. The Tobacco Free Policy applies to all Chattahoochee Technical College facilities and vehicles, owned or leased, and operated regardless of location. 

Tobacco Use Prohibited
All tobacco products or products that resemble the use of tobacco are prohibited. Tobacco products are defined to include but are not limited to cigarettes, e-cigarettes, e-cigar, e-pipe, e-hookah, vape pen, other types of smoking devices, candy cigarettes, chewing tobacco, hookah, blunts, blunt wraps, pre-wrapped blunt cones & tubes, cigars, cigarillos, bidis, pipes, cigarette packages or smokeless tobacco containers, lighters, ash trays, key chains, t-shirts, coffee mugs, and any other items containing or reasonably resembling tobacco or tobacco products. Tobacco use includes smoking, chewing, dipping, electronic smoking devices or any other use of tobacco products shall not be permitted in any enclosed place, including, but not limited to, all offices, classrooms, hallways, waiting rooms, restrooms, meeting rooms, community areas, performance venues and private residential space within Chattahoochee Technical College housing. Smoking and the use of tobacco products shall also be prohibited outdoors on all Chattahoochee Technical College campus property, including, but not limited to, parking lots, paths, fields, sports/recreational areas, and stadiums, as well as in all personal vehicles while on campus 24 hours per day/7days a week. This policy applies to all students, faculty, staff, visitors, and vendors. 

Promotion of Smoking and Tobacco Products
In further recognition of the incompatibility of Chattahoochee Technical College’s educational mission and the promotion of tobacco products, effective January 1, 2022, no tobacco-related advertising or sponsorship shall be permitted on college property, at sponsored events, or in publications produced by the college. 

For the purposes of this policy, “tobacco related” applies to the use of a tobacco brand or corporate name, trademark, logo, symbol, or motto, selling message, recognizable pattern or colors, or any other indicia of product identical to or similar to, or identifiable with, those used for any brand of tobacco products or company which manufactures tobacco products. 

No ashtrays shall be provided at any location on campus. Cigarettes shall not be sold on college grounds, either in vending machines, the student union, or any area on campus

Copies of this policy shall be distributed to all faculty and staff and shall be included with information given to all admitted students. Announcements shall also be printed in campus announcements to insure everyone understands the policy.  Information about the policy and how to comply with it shall also be posted on the Chattahoochee Technical College website.

Transition Period
This policy is being announced three months prior to its implementation in order to give tobacco users time to adapt to its restrictions and to facilitate a smooth transition to a tobacco free environment. On-site tobacco cessation programs shall be made available to assist and encourage individuals who wish to quit smoking. Questions and problems regarding this policy should be handled through existing departmental administrative channels and administrative procedures. 

Opportunities for Cessation 
The administration will identify and/ or offer programs and services for students who are ready to quit tobacco use. The administration will identify and/or offer programs and services for college staff that use tobacco products to support them in complying with the policy that prohibits tobacco use on university grounds and during university related events

Enforcement for Students 
Students who violate the college’s tobacco use policy will be referred to the Student Conduct Officer to proceed with the conduct process according to the Student Code of Conduct. 

Enforcement for Staff, Visitors, and Vendors. 
Consequences for employees who violate the tobacco use policy will be in accordance with personnel positive discipline policies and may include verbal warning, written reprimand, or termination. Visitors and vendors using tobacco products will be asked to refrain while on school property or leave the premises. If they refuse, law enforcement officers will be contacted to escort the person off the premises or cite the person for trespassing in case the person refuses to leave the school property. In the case of a violation within the building of a school, the person is in violation of the Georgia Smokefree Air Act of 2005 (O.C.G.A. 31-`2a-1 et seq.). Signage will be prominently posted in all visitors’ and vendors’ areas and college and university staff and officials will communicate policy to visitors and vendors upon arrival and infractions.

Enforcement at Outdoor School Sponsored Events on and off Campus Grounds 
All outdoor school sponsored events on and off campus grounds (ex. events, meetings or functions by community groups renting college property) must be tobacco free. This policy must be clearly stated in all contracts, correspondence and verbal and written announcements to all attendees, visitors, vendors, and contractors. 

The success of this policy will depend on the thoughtfulness, consideration, and cooperation of tobacco users and non-tobacco users. All students, faculty, and staff share in the responsibility for adhering to and enforcing this policy. 

Revised on December 17, 2021

Adopted from the tobacco-free college model policy of the Americans for NonSmokers’ Rights 


Georgia Smokefree Air Act… 
TCSG Tobacco Use…
University of Georgia Higher Education System…
Georgia Department of Public Health… 
Cobb& Douglas Public Health Breath Easy…