No Show Policy
A “no show” (NS) is a student whose name appears on the class roster but who fails to have his or her attendance verified during the no show period (generally the first week of the semester).
In all courses, regardless of the method of delivery (on-the-ground, hybrid, or online), faculty will conduct an academic, graded activity the first week of class in order to verify student attendance and participation. This graded activity will document the student’s intent to take the course. Any student not attempting the graded activity and/or not attending class during the first week will be reported as a “no show." Any student reported as a “no show” by an instructor will be administratively withdrawn from the course and will show no enrollment history. If a student does not intend to complete the course, the student should log into Banner Web and drop or withdraw from the course during the appropriate time frame.
Per state and institutional policy, "no shows" receive a 100-percent refund of applicable tuition and applicable refundable fees, excluding the application fee.
Any student receiving financial aid who is reported as a “no show” will have his/her financial aid award for the class(es) cancelled and/or reduced.
Any “no show” who has used financial aid for books and/or supplies in the Chattahoochee Tech bookstore and has that aid cancelled will be responsible for any and all applicable charges.
NOTE: If a student decides not to attend a course, he or she is responsible for following the normal withdrawal procedures and for withdrawing from the course(s) using BannerWeb.
Faculty are responsible for reporting no-shows to the Record's Office; however, mistakes can happen--under-reporting or over-reporting a student's enrollment (class load). A misreported NS by a faculty member can affect a student's balance due to the college. Students should not rely on the “no show” policy as a withdrawal mechanism or to drop a class. If a student's tuition/fees/other costs are more than the student's payment (either personal payment or payment from financial aid), that balance is the student's sole responsibility--no matter what caused that balance.