Business Technology

AS21 - Administrative Support Assistant  
(Embedded in BA23 & BA22)
COMP 1000 – Introduction to Computers 
BUSN 1240 – Office Procedures 
BUSN 1400 – Word Processing Applications 
BUSN 1440 – Document Production 

BUSN 1190 – Digital Technologies in Business

BUSN 1430 – Desktop Publishing and Presentation Applications 

ME51 Microsoft Excel Application Professional
(Embedded in BA23 & BA22)
COMP 1000 – Introduction to Computers 
ACCT 1120 – Spreadsheet Applications 
BUSN 1240 – Office Procedures 
Select One Mathematics Course 
MATH 1111 – College Algebra
MATH 1012 – Foundations of Mathematics

MF41 Microsoft Office Applications Professional

(Embedded in BA23, BA22)
COMP 1000 – Introduction to Computers
ACCT 1115 – Computerized Accounting

BUSN 1400 – Word Processing Applications

ACCT 1120-  Spreadsheet Applications 

BUSN 1420 – Database Applications 
BUSN 1430 – Desktop Publishing and Presentation Applications 

MWA1 - Microsoft Word Application Professional
(Embedded in BA23 & BA22)
COMP 1000 – Introduction to Computers 
BUSN 1400 – Word Processing Applications 
BUSN 1440 – Document Production 
BUSN 2190 – Business Document Proofing and Editing