Academic Freedom

Chattahoochee Technical College supports the concept of academic freedom.

In the development of knowledge, research endeavors, and creative activities, faculty and students must be free to cultivate a spirit of inquiry and scholarly criticism. Faculty members are entitled to freedom in the classroom in discussing their subject. Caution must be used not to introduce teaching matters that have no relation to the instructional field. Faculty and students must be able to examine ideas in an atmosphere of freedom and confidence and to participate as responsible citizens in community affairs.

Faculty members must fulfill their responsibilities to society and to their profession by manifesting competence, professional discretion, and good citizenship. They will be free from institutional censorship or discipline when they speak or write as citizens.  As professional educators, faculty members must be accurate, exercise appropriate restraint, show respect for the opinions of others, and make every effort to indicate they are not speaking for the institution.  Chattahoochee Technical College safeguards and protects the right of academic freedom by providing faculty and students the right to initiate grievance procedures should they have complaints dealing with the infringement of or personal penalization as the result of the exercise of this freedom.

The principles of academic freedom shall not prevent the institution from making proper efforts to ensure the best possible instruction for all students in accordance with the objectives of the college.

Handling Complaints of Violation of Academic Freedom

To ensure academic freedom, any faculty member or student who believes his/her academic freedom has been violated may present a written complaint to the appropriate division chair or associate dean over the academic area within ten (10) business days of the alleged incident. If the issue is not resolved at that level to the complainant’s satisfaction, then the complainant should forward the complaint to the dean over the academic area, and if not resolved at that level, on to the Vice President of Academic Affairs. 
If the complaint is against any of the academic supervisors/administration in the above chain, the complainant should direct the initial complaint to the next highest level. Should the complaint be made against the Vice President of Academic Affairs, the written complaint should be directed to the Executive Vice President for final resolution. Throughout this process of addressing the complaint, the subsequent investigation and responses should be conducted in a timely manner, not to exceed thirty days at each level.