Office of Student Involvement
The Office of Student Involvement provides opportunities for students to become active members of their college community and meet other students with similar interests. The OSI strives to enhance students’ educational experiences outside of the classroom through offering many entertaining and educational events such as:
Multicultural Events Social Activities
Leadership Programs Diversity Programs
Family Friendly Programming
Wellness Programming
Wellness programs enhance the collegiate experience by developing skills and knowledge involved in physical and mental well-being. Wellness focuses on the overall well-being of our students through programming and through the use of our on-campus gym spaces at the Marietta Campus in Building B and at the Appalachian Campus in Building D. Programs are offered on all Chatt Tech campuses and virtually.
For more information about Chatt Tech’s Wellness programs, please email
Registered Student Organizations (RSOs)
Students are encouraged to enrich their educational and leadership skills through involvement in a Registered Student Organization (RSO) at the college. Students involved in an RSO will find greater connectivity with the college, their peers, and their advisors, and they are more likely to remain in college through graduation or completion of education and professional goals.
For more information on participating in activities or RSOs,
please email our office at or
visit the website.