Occupational Therapy Assistant Associate of Applied Science Degree
Availability: Canton Campus
Accreditation Status: The Occupational Therapy Assistant program is an associate-degree-level occupational therapy assistant program accredited by the Accreditation Council for Occupational Therapy Education (ACOTE) of the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA), located at 7501 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 510E, Bethesda, MD 20814. ACOTE’s telephone number c/o AOTA is 301.652.AOTA; email address is https://acoteonline.org/. AOTA and ACOTE information related to accreditation can be accessed via the ACOTE Accreditation Information care of AOTA. Graduates of the program will be eligible to sit for the national certification examination for the occupational therapy assistant administered by the National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy (NBCOT). Note that a felony conviction may affect a graduate’s ability to sit for the NBCOT certification examination or attain state licensure.
Program Description: The Occupational Therapy Assistant program is designed to train students to implement treatment procedures and plans for clients with limitations in occupational performance under the supervision of an occupational therapist per American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) standards and State Regulations. Other occupational therapy assistant responsibilities include record keeping, and assistance with appropriate evaluation. The program provides learning opportunities which introduce, develop, and reinforce academic and occupational knowledge, skills, and attitudes required for job acquisition, retention, and advancement. Program graduates receive an Occupational Therapy Assistant Associate of Applied Science degree.
Program Length: A full-time student who has successfully completed all prerequisite courses with C or better and who has been admitted into the Occupational Therapy Assistant program can complete the Occupational Therapy Assistant program in five semesters.
Admission Requirements: Students must meet all admission requirements of the college and have reached the age of 18. Admission into the Occupational Therapy Assistant program is competitive, and the program does not maintain a waiting list. Please consult the Occupational Therapy Assistant webpage on the college’s website for specific program admission information.
OTA Program Technology Information: The OTA Program at Chatt Tech uses distance education to deliver course content in a hybrid education format composed of 70% weekly on campus time and 30% distance education. Students planning to enroll in the OTA Program at Chatt Tech should have regular access to a computer and reliable high-speed internet access. The computer must be able to support web-based Microsoft Office (provided by Chattahoochee Tech to all students) and have a functioning web camera and microphone for use with web conferencing software (i.e. WebEx/Microsoft Teams). Additionally, a personal email account, cell phone, or land line telephone is required to use with 2 factor authentication when accessing college accounts off campus. All Chatt Tech students may access computers with high-speed internet and other student-based resources at Academic Success Centers, Open Computer Labs, or College Library locations.
Students enrolled in the OTA Program need to possess basic computer literacy skills and be proficient in Microsoft Office programming including Word, Outlook, PowerPoint, Teams; file management, web-conferencing, and the LMS. Chattahoochee Tech provides support resources for these applications.
Chattahoochee Technical College uses Blackboard, a web-based learning management system (LMS) to access and maintain course content and to communicate course information, learning assignments, exams, grade books etc. Courses in the OTA Program at Chatt Tech are all considered to have a distance education component because of the use of the LMS for content delivery. Distance Learning Class Types defined in the college catalog and used in the OTA Program include:
- On Campus (Banner code “CA”): Courses that are taught primarily in the classroom or lab with 50 percent or less of instruction online. On campus courses may include lectures, labs, internships, clinicals and other in-person instructional modalities. On campus courses are not considered distance learning courses. OTA Courses coded CA include OCTA 1020, OCTA 1030, OCTA 1050, OCTA 2010, OCTA 2040, OCTA 2060, OCTA 2090, OCTA 2130, OCTA 2210, OCTA 2220
- Blended (Banner code “BL”): Blended courses are distance learning courses with the majority of the course content, activities and interactions occurring online (>50% but <100% online) but may require students to come on campus for specific labs, assignments, activities, or events. OTA Courses coded BL include OCTA 1010, OCTA 2120, OCTA 3210
- Online Asynchronous (Banner code “OA”): Courses taught fully online asynchronously with course content, activities and interactions occurring entirely online. This delivery method does not require students to be online at specific dates/times, and students may participate in class activities and complete course assignments asynchronously. Online asynchronous courses may require proctored events. OTA Courses coded OA include OCTA 3220
Degree Requirements
Required Minimum: 15 Semester Credit Hours
General Education Core Area I - Language Arts/Communications - 6 Credit Hours
Successful completion of ENGL 1101 Composition and Rhetoric is required
Choose one of the following Area I courses
General Education Core Area II - Social/Behavioral Sciences - 3 Credit Hours
General Education Core Area III: Natural Sciences/Mathematics - 3 Credit Hours
General Education Core Area IV: Humanities/Fine Arts - 3 Credit Hours
Choose one of the following courses:
Non-General Education Degree Courses
Pre-requisite Occupational Courses
ALHS 1090 | Medical Terminology for Allied Health Sciences | 2 |
Occupational Courses
Total Credit Hours: 73