Medical Assisting Diploma


Availability:  Appalachian and Marietta Campuses

Program Accreditation: Program is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (, upon the recommendation of Medical Assisting Education Review Board (MAERB). CAAHEP is located at 9355 113th St. N., #7709 Seminole, FL 33775-7709. Visit or call 727.210.2350 for more information.

Program Purpose: The Medical Assisting program prepares students for employment in a variety of positions in today’s medical offices. The program provides learning opportunities that introduce, develop, and reinforce academic and occupational knowledge, skills, and attitudes required for job acquisition, retention, and advancement. Additionally, the program provides opportunities to upgrade present knowledge and skills or to retrain in the area of medical assisting. Program graduates will receive a Medical Assisting diploma.

Program Length: A fulltime student who has successfully completed all pre-requisite courses with a C or better and who has been admitted into the Medical Assisting program can complete the Medical Assisting Diploma in three semesters.

Admission Requirements: Students must meet all admission requirements of the college and have reached the age of 18 by the start of externship/practicum. 

Admission into the Medical Assisting program is based on a first come, first served basis, and the program does not maintain a waiting list. Please consult the Medical Assisting web page on the college’s website for specific program admission information.

MAST Course Transfer Policy: A student who is enrolled in one of the following MAST courses at Chattahoochee Technical College and successfully completes the course with a grade of ‘C’ or higher will not be required to repeat these courses once accepted into the Medical Assisting Program.

According to the CAAHEP accreditation, students may be required to demonstrate in the Affective, Psychomotor, and Cognitive domains prior to going on externship.

  • MAST 1010 – Legal and Ethical Concerns in the Medical Office
  • MAST 1060 – Medical Office Procedures
  • MAST 1100 – Medical Insurance Management
  • MAST 1110 – Administrative Practice Management
  • MAST 1120 – Human Diseases

Diploma Requirements

Basic Skills (General Core) Courses - Area I

Language Arts/Communication

ENGL 1010Fundamentals of English I


Basic Skills (General Core) Courses - Area II

Social/Behavioral Sciences

PSYC 1010Basic Psychology


Basic Skills (General Core) Courses - Area III

Natural Sciences/Mathematics

MATH 1012Foundations of Mathematics


Program-Specific General Education Course Requirements

ALHS 1011Structure and Function of the Human Body


Occupational Courses

COMP 1000Introduction to Computer Literacy


ALHS 1090Medical Terminology for Allied Health Sciences


Medical Assisting Courses

Students must achieve a grade of C or better and complete all competencies successfully in Medical Assisting Courses in order to pass the course. Please consult the Medical Assisting program handbook for more information regarding academic standards.

MAST 1010Legal and Ethical Concerns in the Medical Office


MAST 1030Pharmacology in the Medical Office


MAST 1060Medical Office Procedures


MAST 1080Medical Assisting Skills I


MAST 1090Medical Assisting Skills II


MAST 1100Medical Insurance Management


MAST 1110Administrative Practice Management


MAST 1120Human Diseases


MAST 1170Medical Assisting Externship


MAST 1180Medical Assisting Seminar


Total Credit Hours: 53