
It is the student’s responsibility to participate in classes on a good-faith basis that demonstrates the student’s desire to be a genuine partner in the educational process. Instructors may establish attendance and make-up policies which are provided to the student through the course syllabus and program handbooks. Instructors may establish a participation grade based on a student's attendance. It is the responsibility of the student to know the policy and adhere to it.

Military Short-Term Absence Policy 

Chattahoochee Technical Colleges recognizes and appreciates the significant contributions made in service of our country by Active Duty, Reserve, and National Guard members and their dependents. At times, these students may be called to fulfill their duties for training or short-term deployment, which causes them to be absent from classes for a short period of time. These absences qualify as “excused absences,” which means that the absence, with proper documentation provided, is not subject to penalty, and coursework may be satisfied through agreement between individual instructors and students.

  • For any emergency orders where the student will be absent for up to three weeks, students will be allowed to make up any missed work within a reasonable time frame (up to 30 days) without a grade penalty. Instructors must accommodate absences of up to three weeks for 16-week semesters and two weeks for a 10-week semester. It is the responsibility of the student to communicate in writing directly with each instructor as far in advance as possible so that appropriate accommodations can be made. Upon return, the student must meet all assignment deadlines outlined in the syllabus. A grade of Incomplete may be assigned until the student submits any missed assignments.  
  • If a student will be absent for more than three weeks, students should explore the Military Withdraw option, which includes no penalty for the student. Title IV funds shall be returned per federal regulations.
  • For time-sensitive state or federal emergencies/activations where written documentation may not be available until the end of the obligation, the student is responsible for securing the orders to provide to faculty members upon return to the college and must communicate with their instructors as soon as possible about their absence.
  • Upon return from duty, students enrolled in lockstep programs must reapply but will be given priority. Skills tests may be required for specific programs during program selection.
  • Students in any of these situations are encouraged to contact the Director of Veterans Services for support.