Intensive English Program

The Intensive English Program (IEP) is an affordable, high quality English language study program that helps ambitious students achieve college-level fluency. The college is certified to issue I-20 for F-1 students in the program.

The IEP is located on the Marietta Campus and meets 4 days a week. Students can enroll full-time or part-time depending on which ESL courses they want to take. Each course is eight weeks long. 

The program has 8 levels from Beginner to Advanced, and students may enter the program at any level depending on their performance in an entrance exam.

Full-time students study 5 courses that meet twice weekly from Monday to Thursday for a total of 20 hours of attendance per week. Those courses are Grammar, Reading Comprehension and Vocabulary, Academic Writing, Speaking and Listening, and Integrated Skills.

Students who finish our program will have the English-language proficiency to succeed in any college-level course.