Service Learning

Service Learning is a teaching method that combines community service with classroom instruction, focusing on critical, reflective thinking as well as personal and civic responsibility. Service Learning programs involve students in activities that address local needs while developing their academic skills and commitment to their community. Through service learning, students can

  • Develop critical thinking and problem solving skills
  • Clarify personal values and dedication to degree program
  • Explore career options
  • Develop socially and personally
  • Create connections to civic and community partners

The Center for Service Learning and Community Engagement strives to make service an integral part of students’ educational experiences and endeavors to

  • Place students in meaningful and educational service
  • Offer opportunities for students, faculty, and staff to partner with community organizations
  • Support students in service-learning activities and projects
  • Integrate and link community service and academic study
  • Support faculty who incorporate service learning into their teaching
  • Provide the framework and methods to link service with the curriculum

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