Grading System

Grades are issued at the end of each semester. All grades earned will be reflected on, and remain on, the official academic transcript. The following grading scale is used:

A 90-100 Excellent 4.0
B 80-89 Good 3.0
C 70-79 Satisfactory 2.0
D 60-69 Poor 1.0
F 0-59 Failing 0.0

An asterisk (*) located next to any of the above letter grades denotes a Learning Support course grade.

NOTE: Some programs may require an altered grading scale as described in the instructor’s syllabus.

I Incomplete—assigned by an instructor to a student who has completed 85% of the coursework by the end of the grading period, and is issued at the discretion of the instructor. The “I” grade automatically becomes a grade of “F” if the student does not satisfactorily complete the coursework and the record does not reflect a new grade by the end of the 4th week of the following semester. If a grade of “I” is received in any course that is a prerequisite to other courses, the student must complete the required prerequisite and receive a satisfactory final grade to be eligible to enroll in the next level course. The student may not register for the same class until the “I” grade is resolved. “I” grades are only acceptable for credit classes and not allowed in learning support courses. The college calendar notes established semester deadlines.
W Withdrawal—assigned to a student who voluntarily withdraws from a course through the 10th week of the semester. The college calendar notes established semester deadlines.
TR Transfer Credit—assigned when courses with a grade of “C” or better are accepted as college credit from another regionally accredited postsecondary institution or any Technical College System of Georgia college.
AC Articulated Credit—assigned when coursework is accepted as college credit from an accredited Georgia high school.
AU Audit—assigned when a student audits a course rather than taking it for college credit.
IP In Progress—indicated on transcript when a course is in progress and the final grades have not yet been assigned.
EX Exempt—assigned when a student takes and passes a course exemption examination.
S Satisfactory- satisfactory completion of a course. Grade counted in attempted hours and counted in passed hours. Does not count in earned hours or GPA.
U Unsatisfactory- unsatisfactory completion of a course. Grade only counted in attempted hours.

A removal of a course grade due to the COVID-19 pandemic in spring semester of 2020.  The grade has no academic impact or academic progress impact. The grade does not indicate course completion.