Student Access Loan Program

Student Access Loan (SAL) Program

The Student Access Loan (SAL) Program is a need-based, low interest, private loan program administered by the Georgia Student Finance Authority (GSFA) through the college. It is designed to assist students with the costs of attending college--direct (tuition, fees, books, etc.) and indirect (housing, transportation, etc.). 

The SAL Program may be funded by state general funds, proceeds from the Georgia Lottery for Education, and/or public and/or private donations. The purpose of the program is to assist with the affordability of a college education, encourage timely persistence to the achievement of postsecondary credentials, and incentivize loan recipients to work in public service. 

Many repayment incentives are applicable to these loans--from interest rate reductions to loan forgiveness. A "keep in touch" payment is required for borrowers. Students who graduate on time and/or graduate with certain GPA may be eligible for these incentives.

Annual recipients are selected by lottery (random selection) by GSFC. Students may borrow up to $3,000 annually or a maximum of $1,500 per term (two terms). 

Students must complete the FAFSA. The loan application and detailed regulations, rules, and procedures can be found on GSFC's site,