Wireless Access Policy

Chattahoochee Technical College provides Wi-Fi access to students, guest and employees.
Wireless LAN client devices capable of 802.11b/g/n wireless communications, such as personal “notebook” computers, phones, and PDAs, may be brought on campus only by students currently enrolled at Chattahoochee Technical College (CTC) and designated College guest.  There are several wireless networks available for use. These networks are: 1) Staff, 2) Students, 3) Guest
Under no circumstances may a wireless access point, wireless switch, or any wireless server device be brought on the premises of any Chattahoochee campus, and no wireless networks, including “ad hoc” or point-to-point networks may be created on campus; this does not apply to short-range Personal Area Network (PAN) devices using Bluetooth.
Access to internal Chattahoochee systems and resources (except for select services allowed by CTC’s access control lists, such as DNS and DHCP) from the student wireless network is strictly prohibited.  Any unauthorized attempt to access, probe, or “hack” such systems will result in disciplinary action.  The wireless network only provides connectivity to the public Internet, which is filtered in accordance with CTC and Technical College System of Georgia policies. Refer to the Internet Use Policy for acceptable use guidelines.
Under no circumstances may a student, guest, or person other than a Technology Support Services member connect or “patch in” a personal, non-CTC computer or device to the hard-wired campus network through any data port, switch, etc.