General Catalog 2017-2018
General Catalog 2017-2018
> MGMT - Business Management
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ACCT - Accounting
ACRP - Automotive Collision Repair
AIRC - Air Conditioning Technology
ALHS - Allied Health Sciences
AMCA - CNC Technology
ARTS - Art
AUTT - Automotive Technology
BARB - Barbering
BIOL - Biology
BMET-Biomedical Engineering Technology
BUSN - Business Administrative Technology
CHEM - Chemistry
CIST - Computer Information Systems
CLBT - Clinical Laboratory Technology
COLL Student Success Orientation
COMM - Communication
COMP - Introduction to Computers
COSM - Cosmetology
CRJU - Criminal Justice
CTDL - Commercial Truck Driving
CUUL - Culinary Arts
DFTG - Drafting
DIET - Diesel Equipment Technology
DMPT - Design and Media Production
ECCE - Early Childhood Care and Education
ECET - Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology
ECON - Economics
ELTR - Electrical Technology
EMSP - EMS/Paramedicine
ENGL - English
ENGT-Engineering Technology
ESCI - Environmental Technology
FOSC - Forensic
FRSC - Fire Science
HIMT - Health Information Technology
HIST - History
HORT - Horticulture
HPWS - Fitness and Wellness
HUMN - Humanities
IDFC - Industrial Fundamental Courses
IDSY - Industrial Systems Technology
INDS - Interiors
LOGI - Logistics and Supply Chain Management
MAST - Medical Assisting
MATH - Mathematics
MCHT - Machine Tool
MCST - Motorcycle Service Technology
MGMT - Business Management
MKTG - Marketing Management
MUSC - Music
NAST - Nursing Assistant
OCTA - Occupational Therapy Assistant
PHLT - Phlebotomy Technician
PHTA - Physical Therapist Assistant
PHYS - Physics
PNSG - Practical Nursing
POLS - Political Science
PSYC - Psychology
RADT - Radiography
READ - Reading
RNSG - Associate Degree Nursing
SCMA-Supply Chain Management
SOCI - Sociology
SPAN - Spanish
SPCH - Speech
SURG - Surgical Technology
THEA - Theater Appreciation
TVPT - Television Production Technology
WELD - Welding
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MGMT - Business Management
MGMT 1100 Principles of Management
MGMT 1105 Organizational Behavior
MGMT 1115 Leadership
MGMT 1120 Introduction to Business
MGMT 1125 Business Ethics
MGMT 2115 Human Resource Management
MGMT 2120 Labor Management Relations
MGMT 2125 Performance Management
MGMT 2130 Employee Training & Development
MGMT 2135 Management Communication Techniques
MGMT 2140 Retail Management
MGMT 2145 Business Plan Development
MGMT 2150 Small Business Management
MGMT 2210 Project Management
MGMT 2215 Team Project