Appeal Procedure


At the discretion of the Chattahoochee Technical College President, CTC may adopt a mediation procedure to be utilized prior to the appeals set forth herein. Mediation may never be used in cases of alleged sexual misconduct.

Hearing Procedure

  1. If it has been determined that there is sufficient evidence or concern regarding a student's behavior or action, a hearing panel of faculty, staff and students will be called to review the evidence and hear the student's case. 
  2. The student shall be notified as soon as possible of the hearing date/time and location. All effort shall be made to schedule the hearing at a time allowing the students attendance and participation in the hearing. The student will be contacted via email as well as phone regarding the information related to the hearing.
  3. If the student has been placed on an interim disciplinary suspension, the hearing must be completed as soon as possible, preferably within five days. The student has the right to be assisted by any single advisor he/she chooses, at his/her own expense. However, the college does provide access to a student advocate through Counseling Services. The student is responsible for presenting his/her own case and, therefore, advisors are not permitted to speak or to participate directly in any hearing before a Hearing Body. The Hearing Body may consist of a group of people drawn from CTC's college community. There shall be a single official record, such as the hearing proceeding notes taken by the Student Conduct Officer, of all hearings before the Hearing Body. The official record shall be the property of Chattahoochee Technical College. The standard of proof in all hearings shall be a preponderance of the evidence. The Student Conduct Officer shall notify the vice president for Student Affairs and other relevant administrators, in writing of the Hearing Body's decision. The Student Conduct Officer or his/her designee will notify the student in writing of the Hearing Body's decision.
  4. If the student appeared before the Hearing Body to appeal the recommended sanctions, including, but not limited to: restitution, reprimand, restriction, disciplinary probation, or failing or lowered grade, disciplinary suspension, disciplinary expulsion, interim disciplinary suspension, or system-wide expulsion, the student shall have the opportunity to appeal directly to CTC's college President.
Appeals Procedure
  1. A student who wishes to appeal a disciplinary decision by the student conduct hearing panel regarding an assigned sanction of restitution, reprimand, restriction, disciplinary probation, or failing or lowered grade, disciplinary suspension, disciplinary expulsion, interim disciplinary suspension, or other suspension must file a written notice of appeal through the college president's office for review by the president's office within ten business days of the hearing. The Student Conduct Officer must be notified of the appeal. the Student Conduct Officer will also notify other necessary or relevant administrators of the appeal. 
  2. The President of Chattahoochee Technical College or his/her designee's review shall be in writing and shall only consider evidence currently in the record, new facts not brought up in earlier stages of the appeal shall not be considered. The college President or his/her designee shall deliver the decision to the student and the Student Conduct officer within 10 business days. The decision of the college President or his/her designee shall be final and binding.