Auditing a Course

A student who wishes to audit a course must be admitted to the school through one of the school’s three admission classifications. Students who audit a class will receive an “AU” grade in the course and will not have the grade computed in the term or cumulative grade point average. Students who register to audit a class:

  • Are not allowed to receive credit for the course (however, students will be permitted to re-register for the course for credit in a subsequent term);
  • Are required to complete a Request to Audit Form at the time of registration;
  • Are not permitted to change from audit to credit or from credit to audit after the Drop/Add period for the semester;
  • Are cautioned to be aware that courses taken on an audit basis may not be used for certification of enrollment for many forms of financial aid or other benefits;
  • Are required to pay regular tuition and fees and are subject to the same instructional requirements as other students in the class. Financial aid will not cover classes being audited.